Sadeeq Program

The Sadeeq Program offers support to Muslims who have recently converted to Islam. Newcomers are paired with Ambassadors who offer spiritual companionship. The program provides a safe space to ask questions and seek resources throughout one's spiritual journey. 


  • The word "Sadeeq" is commonly translated as true friend and companion. Finding a sadeeq is a key element of this mentorship program.

  • Newcomers are Muslims who have recently converted to Islam and are seeking support.

    Ambassadors are mentors and friends to Newcomers, and they assist Newcomers in achieving their goals.

  • After applying to the program, you will be contacted by a coordinator for an introductory phone call. Both your application and phone conversation will be used to help assess compatibility.

    Click "Apply" below to become a Newcomer or Ambassador.

  • Yes! The Sadeeq program hosts events and socials throughout the year that are open to everyone. Checkout the social events calendar here.

    We ask that you still apply so that you receive the latest news.

  • Every month, we host a community night for those new to the program. We also organize hikes, coffee hangouts, prayer workshops, Ramadan preparations, Ramadan iftars, and more. Most of the events we host are for new Muslims but are also open to everyone. Check out the social events calendar.

  • Please email if you have a question.

Two women in hijabs holding white flowers at night with city lights in the background.


Become a Newcomer

Receive Personal Support
Interact with Muslims in the Community
Grow in Understanding Basic Islamic Principles
Support Local Businesses/Organizations

A woman in a green hijab distributing white flowers to seated attendees at an event.

Become an Ambassador

Support Muslims in the Community
Uphold the Values of Good Tree
Cultivate Connections and Provide Resources